Organization Directory Setup

Directory setup can be done by adding location, department, position, employee and assigning employee to the roles. By assigning the role to employee, employee will get the tasks and permissions of a role. In setting up the directory, employees will assigned to automated roles and perform the operations for the organization in live.

Organization Directory: Organization Directory is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs. Create organization directory in four steps by identifying Location, Department, Role and Position. Then add the employee and assign the employee to the role and complete the employee onboarding.

To setup the directory, click on Directory under the Organization. The screen will be showing as follows.

Locations: By adding the locations, organization can manage the organization locations and employee locations and vendor locations for scheduling and associating with resources, utilize for delivery, pricing, taxes and much more.

To add location, click on Add Location under Organization chart. The screen will be showing as follows.

Department: Organizations often have departments. Multiple people in departments, make sure that each person is taking care of key functions without duplication or neglect of tasks.

To add the Department, click on Add Department under the organization chart. The screen will be showing as follows.

Roles: Create the role for the Organization to perform the grouped functions assigned to the people in organization.

To add Role, click on Add Role under the organization chart. The screen will be showing as follows.

Positions: Create the Position helps the employees know the scope, function and limits of their roles and for what tasks and outcomes they will be held responsible.

To add new positions, click on New Position under the organization chart.

Select the role and enter the Position Name and click on Add button to create the new position.

Members: Add organization hired members as employees to achieve the organization goals. Assign the roles for the employees to limit the responsibilities.

To create the member as employee, click on New Employee under the organization chart. The screen displays as follows.

Enter the required details and click on Add Employee to add new employee.

Employee Name: John
Email Address: John@relgo.com
Password: relgo123*
Work Location: Bangalore
Role: Store Manager
Position: Store Manager

Relations: Manage domain specific enterprise relations by establishing relationships, organizing activities and corresponding information in one place for easy access and security.